Still Snowing
It's the last day of March and it's snowing again. After many many days of melting snow.
I'm not complaining. I'm enjoying the last vestige of winter and snowfall. In any case, the ground is now a beautiful sheet of white.
Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!
...that I did something to save my arse today?
...the differences between light and dark soy sauces?
Ugh... Drizzle, rain, drizzle. Dark, gloomy, dark. I thought spring is upon us?
I’ve finally realised why I’m not moving as fast as I wanted or expected to be. The reason is actually very simple. I’m straddling both sides and two labs. I need to do not only the biological and technological analysis, but also the design and material fabrication as well. I have no experience in the latter, so it is expected that it’ll be a little slow. As for the former, most analyses or preparatory steps are time consuming. PCR takes more than 2 hours then running gel electrophoresis takes another 30 minutes.
After having had ascertained the identity of the mysterious person from Uppsala, Sweden, who searched for the exact phrase 'Reborn in Sweden', Reborn is safe to return to the public listings and has done so.
Singlish has truly developed into its own breed of language that non-native speakers cannot understand.
In place of the Marieudd weekend, we had a game night today. But it is really a let down to see that those who signed up for the weekend didn't turn up for the game night. In the end there were only 8 of us. Not a bad number but considering over 12 people signed up to go to Marieudd, it is rather disappointing.
Asian values. If I'm not wrong, this term was coined by the first and so far the longest serving prime minister of the Little Red Dot.
Especially Fridays.
For some stupid reason, I can't sleep.
I feel like I have a hangover today. The. @#*(&*)! Entire. Day. My head is pounding like the bass drum on parade. Not fun. So I'll be sleeping almost immediately after I get back from the meeting tonight. That means no updates. That's why I'm here now in spite of my condition.
Funnily enough, the fog lifted just like that.
It's true! One moment I was walking along the streets in foggy conditions, unable to see 100m away. 5 seconds later, it was as clear as crystal. I actually saw the world coming into focus in that short span of roughly 5s or less! Amazing.
There was also a robbery here in Uppsala this morning. I was told this afternoon and it is indeed reported in the news. Exciting, ain't it? But good thing I wasn't around.
I've also taken a serious liking to watching South Park these days. Odd. I didn't like it before, but it just seems so hilarious now. Eric Cartman simply cracks me up.
"Respect my authorita."
Plus Prison Break (only a few more episodes left to its end) for excitement and entertainment value.
To my mental alertness. Cheers!
EDIT: The first few episodes of QAF seemed good because of the complex sociopolitcal issues involved, but they were not dealt with in-depth (Hey, I expected too much for a show made for entertainment value.) and the over-the-top scenes are one too many and irk me. I was absolutely wrong. Not my cup of tea. Give me South Park any time.
It was a good end to an extremely taxing day.
Reborn in Sweden has decided to remove his profile from Blogger's listings and become a private blogger.
Perhaps I come from a less developed world. Surcharges for paying a bill seems ridiculous to me. Do we have surcharges when we pay our bills at the post offices back home? I don't think so, but if I'm wrong, someone tell me. I pay all my bills by GIRO.
I can’t believe how much the banks or post offices charge you for each bill you pay. 35SEK for filling up a form and placing a chop on it!?! It comes to nearly SDG$10 for each transaction! That’s tantamount to extortion! Oh my goodness, no wonder everyone I asked pays his bill by internet banking. Good thing I don’t have a lot of bills to pay, otherwise I’ll beg to open a bank account here. Since each ATM transaction charges 5% is doesn’t really matter when or how much I withdraw each time. Since I’m going to be here for only a few more months, I think I’ll survive.
I'm certainly living up to my training as an engineer.
I know I may have come across a little harsh today when I mentioned that I didn't want to learn more about what was going on back home.
Did you know the Czechs take their Sunday lunches very seriously? They need to have a proper meal for that. No shoddy work at all. They explained that it is the only time the entire family can come together at the table and have a meal at the same time. It's very important for them since they are unable to do it the rest of the week. Amazing! I like this family time. It's really good for bonding with your family members.
Two medical doctors have finally finished their studies here and are moving back home to South Africa.
It was a rather horrible end to the working week. I have a feeling that the big guy here thinks I'm moving along too slowly.
My profile has been added to the personnel list of the Material Science Programme of the University. This makes me sort of semi-official as a guest researcher since it's stated in the groups' staff list.
Spring suits me. Leaves start to slowly appear back onto trees, flowers start blooming. Colour start becoming more vibrant. I like the idea of spring.
I heard of signs along highways about moose crossing or some other animal like the elk. But can you imagine seeing signs about cat crossing in the city? Yes! I actually saw that sign board, right under the usual pedestrian crossing one. The background is yellow, and has one mama cat with two kittens followng her. Cat crossing. Amazing!
With everyone having fun with yet another face recognition software, I simply have to jump onto the self-whoring bandwagon. Myheritage allows you to search their database for your celebrity look alike.
I like the router that I bought. It's Netgear WPN824. It looks really sleak, without antennnas sticking out. It's just a flat white box, with a blue circular light on top. Very mac-like.
I'm typing this post using my own internet connection, with my new wireless router!
Fads. I can't believe my eyes when I say landyards sticking out to jeans/pants pockets. The girls back home love putting tiny/huge accessories onto their handphones (mobile phones), and leave them hanging out of the pockets. Here, they like to do the same thing. The only difference is that instead of small soft toys, they use landyards. You know, the thing you hang round your neck and clip your pass onto the end. And is it that the longer you have it the better? I've seen some with the ends reaching past their knees. Is it cool to do that? And I couldn't believe it when I saw guys doing that as well. OMG! Girls, or Ah Lians and wannabes, I can understand. But guys? Studying in the university level some more. Grow up!
I'm tired but I have to add one moment that happened today before I forget.
Someone commented this morning that I haven't been updating my blog these days. I don't think a weekend without news is long, but...
Warning: Long, boring post ahead.
Lee and Wrangler are considered more trendy jeans than Levi's, here in Sweden I heard. Really? It had really never crossed my mind that the first two brands of jeans would be more popular than Levi's. At least back in the little red dot, almost everyone would own a pair of Levi's but not the other two. Perhaps it's because the first two brands are normally associated with two-bit wannabe rockers.
I’m well into my second month now, and have lost count of the number of days I’ve been in Sweden. Is this a good sign?
OMG!!! I can’t believe Mitchell (Aussie) actually asked me that question this evening! Are you nuts? Do I not have the Singaporean accent honed over the years? Admittedly, some people say that I don’t sound like a true Singaporean; a little Ang Mo, a little Indonesian, or a little something else. Make up your minds, people.
In Sweden, that is. (I have a life, okay? I tried skating before back in the little red dot. But that was many many years ago. And yes, we have an ice skating ring there.)
Can anyone tell me if MOH has lifted its advisory on ReNu contact lens solution?
Professor Reborn will be teaching today. The lesson may be short but extremely useful. By the end of this lesson, you will how to frustrate a person even though he may not be around you.
Why is there a cup dispenser in every water closet I see? I can understand that the water here is portable, even in the toilets. It's just like back home. But disposable cups? What are these used for? Drinking? Er... Force of habit but not until I boil the water. Then again, I haven't seen any water coolers, so those cups could be for everyone to use for drinking. Are they?
It was snowing really heavily this morning, at least according to me. If it were raining, it would be considered a downpour. But I enjoyed the walk. It was invigorating. And it was simply snowing, and snowing, and snowing the entire day until 1530 thereabouts. I reckon there was at least 2 inches of snow on the ground after that. And it has been reported that this will continue for the next few days. Will they be as enjoyable as this day?