Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Can't Sleep

For some stupid reason, I can't sleep.

I felt really tired during the meeting, and left immediately after. Usually I would stay and have a cup of tea or something, but I was simply too tired this evening.

Why, then, can't I sleep???

A worm at work, a dragon after. This sounds much nicer in Mandarin than in English.

The throbbing headache miraculously disappeared in the evening.

Anyway, the weekend to Marieudd was cancelled. Dang! I was looking forward to that (I even had my bag semi-packed), and the sauna again. Perhaps this time it could be rolling in the snow rather than dipping in icy cold water, IF the snow hasn't melted. BUT... not a chance. The weekend was cancelled because the ground is absolutely frozen, which resulted in iced pipes. There is no water going in or coming out of the houses. It's a real pity. I could have taken some photos to see how the weather changes the scenery. I heard that the ground frost could last for some time, making Easter celebrations there only a possibility. I hope it pans out. I certainly want to celebrate Easter in English and not in some language I can't understand.

But some of us a planning a game night at Church on Saturday in place of the trip. We've gotten permission from the sisters to use the basement lounge room. So that will be fun. Each of us has to bring something for the evening, so it's a game cum pot-luck session as well. Ah... my spices came in time. Well, when one door closes...

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

Is anyone else playing The Wicked? Challenging game and it doesn't kill as many brain cells as reading research articles does.

What do you do when you can't sleep? Count sheep? All I know is that I should not focus on the fact that I can't sleep and should do something else first. What? I feel more awake than ever, and it's already past 12. I may get a revisit from my good friend, throbbing headache again.

Sleep... perhaps I should take a saucepan/frying pan and knock myself unconscious. That'll work.


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