Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Cooking with Reborn 2

I can’t believe how much the banks or post offices charge you for each bill you pay. 35SEK for filling up a form and placing a chop on it!?! It comes to nearly SDG$10 for each transaction! That’s tantamount to extortion! Oh my goodness, no wonder everyone I asked pays his bill by internet banking. Good thing I don’t have a lot of bills to pay, otherwise I’ll beg to open a bank account here. Since each ATM transaction charges 5% is doesn’t really matter when or how much I withdraw each time. Since I’m going to be here for only a few more months, I think I’ll survive.

But 35SEK for each bill!?!

I made fried rice for lunch tomorrow. It tastes great! Although I have to admit, I added a little too much water when cooking the rice, so it turned out to be a bit nuah, and I didn’t leave the rice overnight to dry out, so the fried rice turned out looking like mashed potatoes instead. It tastes good nonetheless.

But it’s just too much work. There’s too much washing up to do. Unlike cooking pasta, I have tonnes to wash when making fried rice. I’ll only do this very occasionally.

Reborn's Fried Rice
Rice (cooked, and left overnight)
Mixed vegetables (microwaved)
Sausages (cooked)
Meatballs (oven-baked/boiled)
Onions (diced)
Light soy sauce
Chicken granules

1. Melt butter in a wok/saucepan.
2. Beat eggs with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Fry the onions in the butter until fragrant.
4. Add rice into the wok and pour the beaten egg over the rice. Mix quickly.
5. Add the meat and vegetables. Mix.
6. Add light soy sauce and chicken granules accordingly to taste. Mix.

And it's done! Try it!


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