Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Reborn's rebirth and Reborn's unwanted membership

After having had ascertained the identity of the mysterious person from Uppsala, Sweden, who searched for the exact phrase 'Reborn in Sweden', Reborn is safe to return to the public listings and has done so.

The name 'Reborn' is just so apt. All. The. Time.

Things are going well now. Although I haven't shifted into third gear yet, I'm well into my second. The primers for the ladder have arrived, and I'm more comfortable with the fabrication process now, so great. My prayers were answered with such grace. And to think I only asked for the study group to pray for me last Monday. What speed.

And again, it's a Monday. And again, I want to rave about the Bible Study group. But I'm not going to do so. All I'll say is this. I really enjoy the meetings and the people there. Although many people didn't turn up today, the small intimate group was great as well. The people are friendly and encouraging. And best of all, they make you feel at home. This is excellent!

OK. That's all about the rave. Let's move on to what I hated about today.

It was just so dark. The kind of depressing darkness you feel just before a thunderstorm in Singapore. And it both snowed and rained. OK, it was more of a drizzle. But, I still hated it. The cold raindrops falling on your face and wetting your jacket... In case you haven't noticed yet, I hate cold water. I hate showering with cold water. And for me cold water equates to water at room temperature in Singapore. So can you imagine how cold water at 5C will feel?

I also hate it that being out here in Sweden, I'm still being arrowed to do things that I do not wish to do back in Singapore.

What do you mean participate in the new guy's project??? How can I? It's his thesis that he has to write and conduct experiments on. How can I be helping in that? My project has nothing to do with his, and I already have my plans on what I want to do. What? Change them? I'm more than willing to teach. Follow me around, learn from me what and how I do things. And ask when you need to do them yourself. But to join in your projects? As if I don't already have enough on my plate. Conduct simulations? He should learn about it by himself! I did. And so should he. No one f*****g taught me how to use the software and the theoretical details. I have to learn more about what I'll be doing in that project of his. Anyone up to be a detective? Plus the IME thing may drag till I get back and they may also want to conduct further studies as well like what was discussed before I left. Those studies have absolutely no link to my work. Not one bit. Perhaps I should find some means to add it in. Difficult but not entirely impossible.

I've been offered membership to join the League of Shit. Membership that cannot be refused nor transferred. My membership should become official upon my return to the little red dot. Shit.


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