What are Asian Values? A Miss Singapore Universe Perspective
Asian values. If I'm not wrong, this term was coined by the first and so far the longest serving prime minister of the Little Red Dot.
Somehow, people have been brainwashed, or are so enamoured by the larger than life personality of the creator, that they started to use the phrase over and over again. This phenomenon has lasted over a decade now, and I still hear or read about people sayng 'Asian values'
What the f**k are Asian values?
I remember debating about it in GP class back in 96/97. I simply cannot understand what these values are. You hear them but can anyone give me a concrete example of an Asian value?
"Respect for parents and elderly."
Is this not a virtue much valued in the Western world as well? Do you see people throwing their parents out in the streets when they are old and unable to care for themselves? No!
"Respect for Society and the community."
Pardon me for saying this, but from what I can see people living in the Western world has more respect for Society and the community, and I'll even throw in the environment, than most Little-Red-Dottians.
Aren't those examples of what Asian values are supposed to be, also universal values that the world holds dear? Do we, Asians, have a right to claim that those virtues are ours and ours only?
Crap. Perhaps the Miss Singapore Universe 2006 contestants should brush up on their Q&A skills. Asian values indeed.
And fantasy tutor. What the... It comes across as really bimbotic. Pity the NTU students. Good thing I'm not from that University.
Plus give it a rest on being an ambassador of Singapore. Our beauty contestants remain just as the name suggests. Beauty. Although I have to seriously rethink about the beauty part as well. I haven't seen a single winner who can make me weak in the knees or cream in my pants. What kind of an ambassador can you be when you don't even travel out of the Little Red Dot, except to participate in the one contest you signed up for? What kind of an ambassador can you be if the charities you are involved in do not get any publicity from you, or is the winner even involved in any charities at all? Give me a break. Ambassador indeed.
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