Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Life The Past Two Weeks

Oh yes... The past two weeks have been really busy. I have to start putting them down in words here otherwise I'll just forget them...

In chronological order,

24 to 27 May 2006 - Marieudd Silent Retreat
I was kind of worried for a moment that my illness would stop me from going to Marieudd, virtually a piece of heaven on earth. True enough, I lost my voice, had a mild fever and generally felt unwell. But it was a silent retreat too. So losing my voice didn't really matter much. And with Panadol, everything could be kept under control. So, what the heck, of course, I had to go. And I didn't regret it one bit.

The retreat was enlightening to say the least. I had a spiritual time, if you may, walking in the forest, off the beaten tracks, and contemplating about the scriptures selected by Philip. And every so often, a question would pop into my head and I would have to meditate on that furhter. Even so, the beautiful scenery wasn't lost on me. Despite the rain on the second day, I took tonnes of photos.

Went moose hunting again but nothing. Instead, I saw two deers. I first heard some galloping sounds behind me, turned and saw two beautiful deers running from my left, towards me. The closest point they were from me was only 10m! Imagine that! They were so close! And I also saw a frog fall from the sky. I reckon it was the eagle I saw in the sky that dropped the frog. And yes, it was dead. No, good thing it didn't fall on my head. Just next to my feet. To think I was looking up at the sky with my mouth open...

At the end of the retreat on the second full day, we had a sauna again. And of course, what's a sauna without a dip in the waters? The lake is no longer frozen. It was wonderful just hearing the waves pounding on the shore at night, or any time of the day. But I assure you. At 0000hrs, the water is COLD! It was something we had to do. Something I had to do. How else can I say I took a swim in Mälarens? And I finally have the photos to prove it too! Unlike the first time when I had a dip in the frozen lake...


It was terrible having to pull myself away from that wonderful place. It wasn't simply the house, or the beautiful scenery. It was the company. I had never thought that it would be possible to feel so close to these people in such short a time. And the silent retreat really brought more awareness of that. Every little detail, every little need didn't have to be spoken. At mealtimes, we were simply aware of what one another needed without gestures, or sound.

Truly, it is not in the conversations that mark friendships. But real friendships are defined by the comfort one feels in total silence.

27 May 2006 - Dinner at Maru's
Having had to leave early because the car needed to be back in Church by 1500hrs, Christof, Maru, Lucie, Melanie and I pulled ourselves away from Marieudd. We agreed to have a dinner of crepes, prepared by Lucie that night. Crepes with some special brownish flour. Very typical French I heard. And it was good. Conversations (especially after a 2 day silent retreat) felt so good. Ah... How it hurts to know that we would be going on our separate ways soon.

28 May 2006 - Last Real International Mass
And on Sunday, we had the last REAL international Mass. The last one that Lucy and many others would attend. We decided to form a little choir just for that. To make the Mass a little more special. In spite of having just lost my voice and it still being rahter hoarse, I decided to join the choir, just hoping that I wouldn't croak or something. I didn't. And it was special. Very special.

29 May 2006 - Farewell Party with the Bible Study Group
And on Monday, there was the farewell party with the Bible Study Group. I made some Singapore Chicken Curry. Made it as mild as possible since many of them can't really eat spicy foods. Sini made a wonderful salmon soup, with all organic ingredients.

Note to self: Have to get that recipe from her.

Sara made some Sara-style meatballs, Krister some special chicken, Ed some potato balls filled with meat, eaten with butter and cranberry sauce, Jana some sweet pasta with poppy seads, The food was good. The company amazing.

I will take home with me the love I felt in this small group. The knowledge that despite our spiritual differences we are one in the Body. I'm going to miss the sessions with them.

30 May 2006 - V-Dala's Concert and Farewell Dinner
And on Tuesday, I went to Christof's last concert with the V-Dala Nation's Choir. Excellent. Other than the horrible electric guitar playing in one song, and a really bad clashing chord, the entire concert was great. I enjoyed myself tremendously.

After the concert, we went for a dinner (at 2100hrs!) with the choir members and well, basically drank till the cows came home.

31 May 2006 - Farewell Dinner with Corridor Peeps
Wednesday was the farewell dinner with people from my corridor. Not everyone attended. But not everyone's leaving anyway. Only those who are more open, the ones I actually have conversations with are leaving. Everyone made a little something for the dinner. But somehow, I didn't feel as bad as the last few dinners I had the past days. Perhaps it had already dawned on me that everyone was leaving. Or perhaps I was already numb to that fact.


01 June 2006 - Last Student Group Meeting (at Gamla Uppsala)
We had our last Catholic Students' Group meeting at Gamla Uppsala. A dinner of hot dogs. Wonderful company, wonderful weather, wonderful scenery.

I'm seriously going to miss this place.

The colours in Sweden are so vibrant. The sky so blue (when there's good weather). The ability to see so many stars when it's dark. The lack of light pollution. The fresh air. The beautiful people.

I'm going to miss these.

The photos I took will be up later. Perhaps I'll place them all on Flikr as well. When I'm free.

I'm still struggling with the evaporation problems on the chip. But, heck it, I'm on my downtime now. The problems can be solved when I'm home. After so many months working, it's time to start enjoying myself a little more.

And as you can see I have been enjoying myself. With the many dinners and such. I haven't been sleeping a lot the past week too. Bed at 0200 and awake at 0600hrs. To the point that I fell asleep at work and someone commented that I have been working too hard. Well... yes... I have been working hard, but the tiredness stems mainly from the parties and the alcohol...



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