Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wrong, I was.

I was absolutely wrong to say that I wouldn't fall ill in Sweden. And I was wrong to say that if I did fall ill, it would be mild. Absolutely wrong.

I did realise how bad it was until I awoke this morning to find out that I lost my voice.

The initial nagging feeling that I would fall sick, starting from last week with a slight change in my voice and the runny nose, has become a full blown cold, with fevers of 38.2C and a horrible sore throat. I feel weak and tired. Perhaps it's due to the Panadols that I took to suppress the temperature.

And what do you know... I'm back at work even though I feel like hell. And I'll be going for a weekend trip with my corridor mates tonight. Goodness gracious me.

I'm a wuss when it comes to being sick. I like being pampered and sleeping. Basically doing nothing but watch TV, sleep and eat. I can't do that here... Work takes priority and fun comes next. Rest can take a back seat.

Looks like I'm going to be medicating myself over the weekend to have some semblance of fun.


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