Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Monday, May 15, 2006


... is everyone offline (from MSN) so early today? There was virtually no one from the lab online from my contact list. Why? What's up? Did something big happen? Even PY who lives in the lab wasn't around. Weird...

... does the MacDonalds here sell doughnuts? Just like ours used to sell chicken porridge and kaya toast. For goodness sakes, I go to MacDonalds (occassionally) to indulge in fast food; burgers, fries and the like. Not porridge and toast.

... does my work seem to meet so many obstacles? Frustrating, especially when I can't complain or scream. Hmm... the Flogsta Shriek seems to be rather useful at this point in time.

... does Boss have to use a third party to ask me something or pass a message? He actually asked PY's lab bf, ES, to ask if I'll be attending a conference in June. Odd, isn't it? Why ask him to ask me? In any case, I don't even know of this conference. I only know about the one that will be held in the Little Red Dot, not here in Uppsala.

... does the flute seem so foreign to me now? It's sad, isn't it? A few months of not playing the flute, and already my fingers feel stiff. What about me and my clarinet? I have to start practising when I return. Perhaps I should come to the office during the weekends for a few hours to practise, so as not to disturb any of my neighbours. Wonder if my access card works in the weekends now? In any case, the weather is fine enough for me to stroll back if it doesn't.

... is the weather so odd? I can feel both hot and cold at the same time. On my right, I have the warmth of the sun on me, while on my left, the wind is blowing towards me and the temperature is below 10C. How is a person to dress in this weather? Cut my clothes vertically in half, and cover the part that is cold?

... am I subjected to so many burdens? Life is hard enough as it is. Life of a Christian is even more difficult. Don't ask. It's personal. Sigh...

... am I doing what I'm doing?

... why, why, why...


At 2:54 am, Blogger Starsnail said...

Excuse me...that ostracized ES is NOT my lab bf! Puke!And I am off early cos boss is not around recently (flew to Japan and then to Taiwan to celebrate mother's day), ged it?!

At 12:31 pm, Blogger WSW said...

Oh... this is news! lab bf... wow. haha!


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