Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Busy Busy Sunday

Rather pleased with myself today. I did a real thorough cleaning of my room this morning.

Oh... give me a break. I know some people will go, "You mean you don't clean your room? You haven't cleaned your room these past months?".

Of course I do. Just not the mopping and scrubbing parts. My weekly cleaning usually involves sweeping, wiping the tables and surfaces, and washing the sheets. This morning, not only did I sweep, I mopped. Oh yes, with a mop and also down on my knees with a piece of cloth. Ah... Sparking clean. I can eat off my floor now. Same with my toilet. Clean, clean, clean.

*pat myself on the back*

I made a good lunch. No recipe today though. I don't even know what I did. I just threw in whatever was available. Cheese, pasta, meatballs, bread, vegetables, etc. Made tomorrow's lunch as well.

After I emailed them, C and S are kind of shocked about the change in my tastes in food right now. I actually like the 3-minute eggs that I used to abhor. You know. Those that are neither fully cooked nor raw. The protein (egg white) is slightly denatured. The yolk is not cooked. You eat it with soy sauce and pepper. That type of eggs. I like them now. Wonder why. I've also taken a liking to cheese. Yup, cheese. I didn't like that very much back home, but the cheese here is... Umm... Heaven. Those round blocks - soft and light tasting. And feta cheese... Maybe the cheeses in Singapore are... suspect?

Perhaps my own cooking tastes so bad that these things taste so good now? Nah... I know my cooking can't be THAT bad. Otherwise I wouldn't eat it in the first place. Plus I'm using so many pre-mixed spices so the work is already half done before I even begin to cook.

I'm blabbering. Time to beddy-bye.

Oh my god... Did I just type that? Kill me. Just kill me before I degenerate into a baby.


At 5:01 pm, Blogger HLMilk said...

what's wrong with the cheese here in Singapore? they are nice ma.. hmmm..or maybe it's cos i haven't tried Swedish cheese before.

At 5:17 am, Blogger littlewolfie said...

hey half cook eggs are so nice! haha.. glad u like them..when u return we go YIH and eat them! hee.. I used to dislike bittergourd and eggplants.. but it's like one fine day I woke up and I started to accept them.. sheesh!

At 2:49 pm, Blogger Reborn said...

Actually I don't know what cheese it is, but I especially like the round block. Creamy and light tasting as though it's not so fermented. And feta cheese. Eat that with raw salads. Don't need any dressing for that. It's just perfect. Or perhaps I'm only used to the horrible sliced cheese and a puke-inducing peach cheese cake, that I never ventured to try the variety of cheeses out there in the market. Of course, it doesn't help that the supermarkets don't have such a good selection as the ones here.

At 2:54 pm, Blogger Reborn said...

Hahaha! I'll make it a point to be there early one day when I return, and we'll have brunch. Kaya toast and egg... Ooo... I have a sudden craving for kaya toast. Too bad I can't find pandan leaves here to make my own kaya.

But there will be a lot of foodstuff I will miss from here as well. Meatballs - cheap and good. Great cheeses. Breads - You really have to see the variety of breads they have here. Absolutely mind boggling. Most are good. Really. It's not hunger talking.

Will it be odd if I stand in front of the bread shelves at the supermarkets and take a photo? Not criminal hor?


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