Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Talk to the hand

I just want to scream. It's so difficult to adjust my moods without my bunch of friends and kakis back in Singapore. Since the offices bar the use of MSN and such programmes, calling them would be the only option. But, calling them would be too expensive. Can everyone just get skype??? Has anyone tried GoogleTalk instead? It's not as big as MSN, so it is possible that those offices have not caught on to it yet.

I'm just thankful that PY MSNs me enough to allow me to vent my frustrations. Thanks!

Without my kakis, my moods are simply consuming me. Every little thing is amplified many folds. If I'm happy, it'll be heaven, but when I'm depressed...

I want to go shopping... I saw a shoe sale. Ecco is offering 10% (Only 10%. It's like not having any discounts!), but the shoes still cost more after the 10% rebate than what I would have gotten back home without sale. I want to get some gadgets, but I don't know what I want. I want to get an iPod Nano, but it would make more sense (cheaper) for me to get it from home, since I want it to be engraved.

*sigh* Even the laws of retail therapy are against me.

Mood: Irritable (Not so much angry or depressed, but any little thing can just trigger an eruption.)


At 6:55 am, Blogger Starsnail said...

Wah, thanks for the acknowledgement. I was trying to skive as well...hahaha!

At 6:13 am, Blogger Reborn said...

Oy... Speak for yourself. I onlt MSNed during the morning tea break and lunch. Not skiving. I is hardworking leh.


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