Day 14: Foiled by a faulty water heater
It was a perfect start. Beautiful walk to the bus-stop. And an almost perfect end to the day, with a wonderful walk back home. In fact, it was not freezing at all. It was just perfect. Even the light snow felt good, with soft little snowflakes tickling the bare skin of my face. It was in short, great. It was so comfortable that I made a snowball and threw it at some sign post. But, of course I made sure that no one was around first lah. If I were younger, say secondary school age, I'd lie down on the ground and make snow angels like I did back then in the US. It was that comfortable this evening.
I even had a nice cursory talk with my Honduras neighbour when I met her along the corridor. See. Wonderful day.
"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Murphy’s law.
It’s ironic that this was mentioned in the afternoon.
The perfect day was foiled by a faulty water heater.
I was already commenting/complaining this afternoon about showering in almost freezing cold waters. Granted the weather may be frigid at times, but I don't expect the shower to be freezing as well. The waters were initially bearable but got better after I adjusted the temperatures. What, think I stupid, meh? Don't know how to adjust, izzit? But yesterday was bad. The water just got colder and colder, to the point of near freezing cold. To me, at least. This evening? It simply didn't heat up. At all. O...kay..., I exaggerate. The water was bearable, though not warm. For a full 5 seconds! That's all. Accurate, ok? I can count by the number of shivers per second. Yup, I showered in freezing cold water today. And to think someone this afternoon asked me to take an ice dip. I did that now.
Called the adminstrators of this apartment, but somehow the recipient couldn't even note it down or take a message. I wasn't asking her to come over and take a look at it immediately, just for something to be done tomorrow. But all I have to do is to call again tomorrow. So, no biggie. But I do hope the heater will be repaired asap. Best if it can be done before I reach back tomorrow. I can't imagine another day in icy cold waters. If I want conditions like that, I'll gladly go the the north pole or add ice cubes into the water.
And the wise army crazy guys out there, don't tell me to take a powder bath. Think what? Field camp ah? Tell me that and I'll throw ice in your pants the first chance I get.
Mood this morning: Happy
Mood this evening: Delighted
Mood now: Grouchy
Argh... I want a shiver-free shower!
Reborn is back from his haitus, and will occassionally post in Outward Expressions of Inward Thoughts. Do check back for updates.
Hahahaha!! It seems that I am quite good in cursing at your water heater!! Muahahaaha~
Phwa... You witch or something is it? Next time can ask you to curse people that I don't like? Such as Kok Kok or something?
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