Day 9: The Day I May Eventually Have A Life
This marks the day someone asked me out to do something on the weekends. A nice person by the name of Joakim. That's kind of him.
But of course, the cynic in me is thinking that he could have asked expecting that I would refuse, and asked only to appear kind. Hey! That's what I would sometimes do. I'll ask someone out, knowing very well he would refuse, and that would make me appear to be the 'nice' one while he the unsporting one.
Die cynic, die!
I'm sure he asked me out with good, kind intentions. To show me the place and to be a good host. If the positions were switched, I'd do the same. I think.
I'll be going to my second office tomorrow in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) at Ultuna. I wonder what I'll be doing there tomorrow. New people to meet, and a presentation to make either tomorrow or Friday.
I'm feeling kind of tired already, and it's only 2000hrs.
Anyway, I've been more religious than I've ever been, here in Uppsala. Mass is now a daily issue that even the Sisters there know me, even though not by name yet. Let's hope this continues even when I'm back in Singapore. I'd always wanted to make it a point to attend daily Mass.
I'm incoherent today. I put the blame on me being tired.
The weather has been really kind for the past three days. Really kind. The temperature hovered at about 4 Celsius, and it's 5 Celsius now. How I wish this can continue, but according to the forecast for tomorrow, it's going to be cold again. A low of 4 below and a high of 1 Celsius. Brr...
To better weather and smooth sailing work. Cheers!
Swedish phrase of the day: God morgon (Good morning)
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