Day 11: The Day It Snowed On Me
Oh yes. I was walking on the streets while it was snowing today. And no. It wasn't fun at all.
You know what you see on TV? Soft, fine snow falling slowly to the ground? It true. When you look at it falling from the comfort of a room, it's just like that. But when you are out in the falling snow, it's a whole different story.
I've come to the conclusion that you can find powder snow only at high altitudes, when the little itty bitty flakes do not have time or the chance to aglomerate. Where I am, these itty bitty snow flakes group together to form bigger itty bitty ICE particles! Coarser than what you get on ice kachang. And when there's wind blowing those things onto your bare face... Ow...
That's what happened. I thought it would be fine. But after I felt the first few particles hitting me, it was terrible. Plus the wind was so strong, it pratically blew me along. I could feel the wind pushing me. And when I looked at my gloves, I found coarse ICE particles, not the itty bitty soft snow flakes that I imagined them to be.
Shoot. Try standing in an open bus stop for 5 minutes, with both the wind and the snow trying to kill you. Yes, where I was today (at SLU; Ultunaallén), the bus stop does not have a shelter. Nothing to shield you from the torments of the weather. I had to hide behind a tree to seek the much needed shelter. But, of course, a tree wasn't enough to cover me from the elements.
Good thing the much needed bus came punctually (Yay, for Bus Number 20!), so I only waited for five minutes. But if I include the walking time, I would have been out there freezing for 15 minutes.
I was supposed to go to Stockholm tomorrow, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to be doing some work (a lot of it!) over the weekend, so that I can meet the Monday dateline. Idiotic, isn't it? Just when someone asked me out, and I agreed, this had to happen. Depressing.
There's Playboy on TV now. Ha! But it's tame. Nothing to see. I think it's just a showcase of the life of those girls living in the super luxurious Playboy mansion. And as for Big Brother, I often hear and read about it, but for this Swedish version, it's totally booooring. It's like an orientation, with complimentary stupid games. And just like any other orientation, the number of people decreases with time. The only difference is that in Big Brother, those people leave only because they are asked to do so. I really don't see why it's such a popular show. Again, I thought it would be somewhat more exciting since Singapore doesn't show it. Then again, maybe it's just the Swedish version, and I've never been desperate enough to try downloading the American version to watch. Who cares.
It has finally stopped snowing. It was still snowing when I left the Church just now, and I made it back to my apartment in double quick time. I practically slow jogged all the way back. And with that pair of boots and the uneven ground, let's just say that I was feeling a little tired after that 12 minute jog/run.
The ground is white again. And I was told that it could still snow in April.
To good weather and good moisturiser. Cheers.
Reborn's Outward Expressions of Inward Thoughts is updated with a new post on the Idiotic Morons Enterprise.
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