One can probably judge by the number of posts today that I'm bored at SLU. Right now, there is nothing to see or do.
What? Don't tell me to go watch people conduct PCR. There's nothing new to see here. I've done PCR before, what. Until the device is out, I doubt I have anything much to do here. So I think I'll limit my time here to one day a week. Tuesdays. That's when the meetings are held. More to learn back at Angstromlaboratoriet.
Anyway, I don't really like the toilets on this level. The ventilation system seems to be very poor. By midday, the water closets, as they're called here, reek of poop but are absolutely clean! No residue whatsoever. There can only be one reason. Poor ventilation. Stale air. Man... time to upgrade the fans or blowers. As you all know, my sensitive nose cannot take too much torture. Poor me.
Oh well. Back to work and to get used to using the big-ass Microsoft trackball mouse. That one, hor, the cursor you control with your thumb one leh.
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