Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Day 27: 15 Minutes of Excitement

The fire alarm rang today.

Excuse me, a Dolly moment. "Ooo... So exciting!"

I'm sorry. It's not exciting at all, but it was the most happening thing today.

And boy, was it loud. I was one of the last few in the corridor to peek out of my room, wondering what happened. Was it a real fire? Should we evacuate? Nah. It was a false alarm. The early birds had already checked out the situation and found the trigger. They thought it was from Room 207 that caused the alarm.

And so, almost the entire corridor went to the said room and hammered on the door, but to no avail. No one answered. We could only wait till Securitas came. They did. After 15 minutes. The two-man team shut off the alarm and guess what. It wasn't 207 that caused the alarm to ring. It was my immediate neighbour, Room 204.

Oops. She was cooking something, and that triggered off the false alarm. I wonder if the smoke detector-fire alarm thing installed in the rooms here are too sensitive. She was just frying some sausages, and that triggered the alarm??? My goodness. The administrators are indeed cautious. Some may say overly cautious though.

And this was my first look at the fire personnel in Uppsala. Very cool. They are what all kids imagined to be like. Tall, strapping and imposing. Very cool figures. In fact, they are what you would expect to see in TV shows or movies. All (Most) boys were in awe of such amazing heros, at one point or another. I admit. I used to like fire-fighters and policemen a lot when I was in primary school. They seemed like such cool characters, leading such exciting lives. It was too bad that when I grew older I saw the real fire fighters - pot-bellied (or plump), and slow. That dashed my whole mental image of the cool characters I had always imagined them to be. What a downer. A poor 11 year-old boy's dream crushed by some unnamed, unidentified civil defense personnel.

Anyway, I finally have my modem! Woohoo! Constant internet connection without having to steal borrow from some idiot kind soul. To default, thanks for the use of your bandwidth the past three weeks. I really appreciate it very, very much.

To Church I go!


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