Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Day 23: Dazed and Confused

No longer.

I was trying to draw some parallels between studying overseas (not exchange) and what I'm doing now. I can't really find any. Other than the fact that in both cases, it'll be away from family and close friends.

What would happen if I had actually gone through with my overseas studies during my undergraduate years, as my god-father had so kindly extended his monetary help to fund my studies. I really do believe that I'll be a different person now.

But it's not just that. Would I have faced the same problems that I faced here in Uppsala? I doubt so. I would have started the semester with a whole bunch of other students, both local and foreign, so that would have made it easier to know others both from home and from other places. Moreover, as a real student (unlike my situation now), there would be orientation for the new students, and classes would be a great time to meet more people. See. The opportunities to meet and greet are great! And it would be so much easier to befriend people who are in the same position as you. Then there would be the faternities, clubs, and societies to join. All good people-meeting, friend-making opportunities.

But would I be a better person? More open and independent, I guess. But a better person? I've walked the path I walked for a reason. A reason beyond my comprehension. And I have no regrets.

So no. I'm no longer doubting that my decision many years ago to remain in Singapore to study was wrong. I'm no longer having any regrets about that decision. It certainly took me long enough but I'm dazed and confused no longer.


Beware of falling icicles! I was made aware of the barrier last Friday and I saw a similar barrier this evening. It's true and dangerous! I was told that it can kill and death by icicle penetration did occur before. Scary thought. Needless to say, the kiasi part of me commanded me to make a huge detour.

I've also noticed something odd here. While there are many bicycles, quite a number of cars, and buses, there are no motorcycles at all! Nada. Zilch. None. Why ah? Too cold? Cannot be, since they cycle almost everywhere. It's really odd, yet pleasant at the same time.

Can't wait for Friday to come. I'm going to try sledging for the very first time in my life thus far. Skating? Been there. Done that. Skiing? Well, it's on the cards. But will I get a chance to try that soon? Hmm...

To a great time sledging on Friday! CHEERS!


At 1:48 am, Blogger Starsnail said...

Well..i am definitely regretting the stupid part of me for not creating any chances to get myself overseas for studies. There is nothing wrong with Singapore's education system, just that when you are overseas, u see more, u play more and u get urself out of the comfort zone. Do I still have the chance?

At 12:00 pm, Blogger Reborn said...

It is true that when you study overseas, you are out of your comfort zone. And because of that you are compelled to be more open. However, would things have turned out to be better? Who can tell?

While we may not have the chance to study overseas any longer, working abroad is an option. It'll be very different from studying but an experience nonetheless. Do you want to miss out on that?


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