Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Day 5: The Start of the Day and It's 除夕

It's Saturday. It's 除夕 (New Years' Eve). Here I am, at 0540hrs (Singapore time: 1240hrs), sitting by the table all by my-lonesome-self. What a drag. It's not fun at all, especially when you know that your friends and family back home are preparing, or will be preparing soon, for 团圆饭, the reunion dinner.

I guess it's days like this that will make one extremely home sick regardless of how novel the foreign land can be.

I guess when you guys are having your reunion dinner back home, I'll be munching on sandwiches, buns or something to that extent. Maybe I'll treat myself to MacDonalds, albeit it being a little expensive. Oh... Do remember me when you are enjoying yourselves, and the good food on your plates. I'll be salivating in Uppsala.

I miss my family...


At 5:22 am, Blogger Starsnail said... chinese new year reunion dinner isnt that fantastic lah...just prawns in tomato sauce, abalone with bo cai, white boiled chicken, vegetables, steamed fish, and fishball soup lah...nothing much. Hahahaha


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