Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Day 2: The Work Begins

The second day has passed. And oh, what a long day it has been. I've been awake since 0000hrs and not rested until now, which is 2100hrs. But it was a fruitful day. I learnt a lot. Not really related to what I'll be doing but still nonetheless, I learnt something. Things like micro contact printing, of which I had only heard and read about, I saw it for myself today.

I attended a super long (see... fits my long day) meeting this afternoon that started at 1500hrs (time to prepare for bed back home) and lasted for two and one half hours. I hate meetings. But they seem to love it. Or maybe it's because I felt like sleeping. Still I learnt something. Something about PDMS gating, and others. But blah blah blah. And after which, I had to go to a 'party' with the other professors in the group and it was another blah blah session. And finally made it home at not more than a half hour ago. All I wanted to do was to sleep.

I think it's more important to mention that I saw my first snowfall in Uppsala today. So cool. And when I walked back, I felt the snow falling around me. Cold. Heck, it was freezing (What else?), but lovely. I'm absolutely sure that this kind of feeling will last only for a short short while.

I'm finally connected to the internet back at the office. But I doubt I'll be using the compute much during office hours. From the looks of it, the students here are highly productive (and motivated) during office hours. Any time out of it, they just slack I think. Shoot, almost the entire country, I heard, shuts down in mid July for one month. Only bare minimal (less than enough) administrative staff will be around then. Everyone goes off for a holiday! Wow!

Bought my bus pass this morning and went into the supermaket to shop as well. Things are not that difficult to understand, but it takes a while for the words to register in my head. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it sooner or later.

I'll upload the pictures, not that I've taken any so far, as soon as I can. Pictures taken at the airport, and of my room, and if the weather permits (meaning: bright enough), I'll take the view that I see from my room window.

In the meantime, I just want to sleep.


At 2:29 am, Blogger Starsnail said...

Very interesting!!!!!! How I wish I can be there!
Build a snowman!!

At 11:10 am, Blogger WSW said...

Hello! Glad you enjoy the place! Remember to write more and post the photos up so that we can see... and envy.... heehee...

Happy CNY!


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