Reborn in Sweden

Hailing from the little red dot, I'm going to freeze my arse off in Sweden. My exploits, tribulations and triumphs. My expectations, fears and joys. Sweden, here I come!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Over S$100 Wasted

A phone call to Boss, and that amount of money just flew out of my pocket. Horrible, simply horrible. Who's going to pay for that? Lil'ol me! That's who. Why didn't his msn link with mine work? Why didn't he agree to use Skype when I suggested. At least after the call, I tested and it works. This could have saved me some money. I've already emailed him about my Skype account. Hope he'll use it next time. I don't need to spend unwarranted money like that.

Looks like my iPod Nano is not going to happen this month. Dang!

And his msn nick is just so... You'll never guess what it is. What's with the smiley faces and all? Man, oh man. His nick is... :) high lander :D

A surprise for everyone awaits. IF you know how to find it.

And running over to SLU after the call certainly didn't help me progress in my work. I kenna bluffed! The last primer hasn't arrived yet. He thinks it'll come today. At 1530hrs!!! What the hell?!? I could have stayed at Angstrom and worked on the new design. Dang! This is just so wrong. They want some results but how am I to give them results if they keep wasting my time like that??? I want to return to Angstrom but that would mean wasting my time travelling again. How can they do this to me???

I'm rather optimistic about the new design. It makes more logical sense than the old one. Plus it is much thinner now so thermal conduction to heat the buffer will not be so much of a problem anymore. Sealing a curved and rigid substrate with a flexible substrate also seems so much more possible than to seal two rigid substrates that curve differently. Fingers crossed.

What a waste of time waiting for the primers to arrive.

Boss has also called for my qualifying proposal once more. Seems like he wants to settle this while I'm in Sweden so that upon my return I'll already have the date for my presentation fixed. I foresee tonnes and tonnes of shit from him about this.

My eye popped, so I have to SCREW IT back.

Good thing I have distance as my buffer at this moment. Reading "Your English is not good." certainly beats hearing it from the horse's mouth. Not good meh? I is Grammar God leh. Let's hope what Douglas told me is true. His rejected proposal was not much different from the accepted one. Depends on mood I guess.

This is just not a good day. I forgot my fork for lunch. And no, I don't have a spoon with me now. I guess I have to go to the pantry to get something to eat my lunch with.

The situation must get better, musn't it? This is already pretty much rock bottom, isn't it?

As of the end of the day, the primers have not arrived yet. I'm told the package just across the street, yet we can't collect it ourselves. We have to wait for the postman to send it over.

What. A. Bloody. Waste. Of. Time!

Instead of accomplishing something, I ended up with more doubts because of the idiotic Nanodrop!


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